
My original plan was for either working character profiles on flash/animate or a simple game, neither of which were achieved at the end of the project. Target audience was something that I forgot to cover, but the work in it’s current state reaches a pegi rating of 12 due to some of the morbid things mentioned in character bios. I did not stick to the gantt chart, as I wasn’t really sure how they really worked.

In all fairness, I could have handled my time for this project better. Factors I did not consider included:

Conventions (EGX rezzed and MCM comic con)

Software issues and limitations


Lack of motivation

Time taken to complete artwork


I was able to get these to function as I wanted, so when they are hovered over, the coloured icons change to the character icons, however after encountering a coding issue that we couldn’t identify, the coding was removed at the advisal of a teacher. After that, I had comic con, and penultimately forgot about the programming side of things. This was an error on my part, quite a significant one.

Because of this, I was not able to carry out a playtest. Next time I should give myself less of a workload, and work with someone to help and support me.

The positives:

Improvement in art style

Something i have noticed over this project is the improvement in my art style, and how an image is coloured. The first image is from when i started this course last year, and was heavily featured in our final product for that unit. Since then I have gained a better understanding of anatomy and have found that block colours work better as opposed to shading.

Character designs

What on Earth was Gwendolyn wearing before her redesign? Although she now doesn’t look like your average orc should, her design and brighter colour palette showcase her personality.

The negatives:

Time management

As explained above, many factors came between me and completing this project. Continuing with a previous project ended up setting me back further as i had to redesign and rewrite a lot of the characters. 9 Characters + 2 of the horsemen and a design for the games villain was a bit too much.

Forgetting how to use Abode Animate

I had to ask other students and teachers for help.

Playtests are non applicable to this project as the coding was never completed. If it was completed, I would have taken results including favorite character and least favorite character and results on the functionality of the profiles. This would’ve been collected via questionnaire.

Research carried out for my project did not affect the final product much as it may have other students, as the research mainly only fleshed out a character’s personality, not their actual appearance.

As previously mentioned, I feel that my art skills have not only improved during this unit, but over the project as a whole. Hopefully I will continue forward with this skillset on the next year of the course.


Time management 4/10

Art consistency 7/10

Next year, I would like to work in a group, primarily focusing on concept art and character design as I feel these are my strengths. As this primarily happens at the beginning of a project, after this i would likely focus on assets, backgrounds, character illustrations and if i reach that skill level, 3D models.

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